How To Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error Code 81705 – Point of Sale Issue

How To Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error Code 81705 - Point of Sale Issue

Are you confused about getting QuickBooks error code 81705 while working on the QuickBooks Desktop application and wondering how to fix it quickly? QuickBooks is a powerful tool built to manage all the finance-related operations for a business, firm, or organization. It helps users to maintain the inventory, daily sales, and other important data. 

The software often misbehaves due to various problems and flashes different errors. QuickBooks online error code 81705 is one of them. However, the incidents are temporary and can be rectified by implementing a few easy steps so that you can work on the application without any hassle.

What is QuickBooks Error Code 81705?

One of the most essential tools for QuickBooks desktop applications is Point of Sale (POS). The feature helps users to collect and maintain all the data about inventory management, sales, etc. When the system encounters QuickBooks error code 81705, it may disrupt the continuous workflow, and you’ll be unable to perform any important task. If you know the problem and its effective troubleshooting steps, you can easily corner it.

What are the Signs of QuickBooks Error 81705?

During your workflow, you may see several signs of QuickBooks Error 81705. You have to recognize them correctly to take the right actions accordingly. Here is a list of all the signs and symptoms of having QuickBooks error 81705:

  • Your system is showing a clear message of having QuickBooks Error code 81705. This will appear on the screen when a user tries to work with QuickBooks POS. 
  • Software crashes or freezes very frequently while working daily operations.
  • The users may experience a slightly low performance while working on the application.
  • Some specific features may fail to work properly in the QuickBooks desktop application.

What are the Possible Reasons for QuickBooks Online Error Code 81705?

There are several reasons for getting a QuickBooks error code 81705 in QuickBooks POS. The issue may occur for any reason. However, you can resolve it by performing a few effective troubleshooting steps. Let’s discuss the root cause of the error:

  • If the QuickBooks Point of Sale installation files are damaged or corrupted.
  • Any third-party application interfering with the QuickBooks POS operations.
  • The error may appear due to not having enough permissions for QBPOS.
  • Trying to access the damaged or corrupted data file.
  • You are using an old version of the QuickBooks Point of Sale.

Key Points to Remember

QB users must ensure that they follow all the essential measures for their safety to avoid getting the error. Performing these measures can steer clear of the problem:

  • Don’t forget to back up the company data.
  • You can train your staff to the QBPOS properly. 
  • Make sure to have stable network connectivity.
  • Ensure that you are using an updated version of the software.

How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Error 81705 POS?

Every user needs to know the exact reason behind an error first, then apply the troubleshooting steps to fix error code 81705 in QuickBooks online effectively. We have already discussed all the probable causes. Now, jump to the troubleshooting steps to fix this issue quickly:

  1. Reboot the QuickBooks POS (Point of Sale)
  2. Restarting the System
  3. Updating the QuickBooks Point of Sale
  4. Validate the User Permissions
  5. Close or uninstall the third-party application, interrupting the POS to work properly.
  6. Fixing the QuickBooks POS Installation.
  7. QBPOS Reinstallation
  8. Verifying the Data File

Reboot the QuickBooks POS (Point of Sale)

Restarting your QuickBooks POS may fix the issue quickly, and you don’t have to wait much to fix the issue. To make it happen, first close the QuickBooks desktop application. Then, reopen the application and check whether the issue is fixed.

Restarting the System

Users facing the QuickBooks error code 81705 in the system may rectify the issue by simply rebooting the system. It will clear all the temporary files and glitches running on the system causing the error:

  • Click on the start button.
  • Select the Restart option.
  • Let the system reboot properly.
  • Once opened completely, check and verify if you can work on POS.

Updating the QuickBooks Point of Sale

Updating the QuickBooks Point of Sale

Many users often find that the error can be easily resolved by simply updating the QuickBooks Point of Sale to the latest version available. Using an outdated version may result in errors due to various bugs and compatibility issues. 

Validate the User Permissions

Not having enough permissions can lead to the error 81705 in QuickBooks online POS. You can fix it by checking the user permissions in your system. You can log in to the software as an administrator to get sufficient access to QB Point of Sale. If the problem persists, you can move to the next troubleshooting.

Closing or Uninstalling the Third-Party Application

You can check if any third-party applications, anti-virus, or security software are disrupting the workflow of the QBDT desktop application. If not, then you can move to the next troubleshooting. Otherwise, try temporarily disabling or removing the program, whether the issue gets resolved.

Fixing the QuickBooks POS Installation

The QBPOS was not installed properly, causing the QuickBooks error code 81705 to appear on the screen. You can fix it by repairing the installation files within a few steps. Let’s see how to do this:

  • Close the QuickBooks POS, QB programs, and other opened tasks completely.
  • Go to the Control Panel.
  • Then, click on the Programs option.
  • Select the Programs and Features button to proceed.
  • Click on the “QuickBooks Point of Sale” option.
  • Select the “Uninstall/Change” button.
  • Now, click the “Repair” option and follow the on-screen prompt to complete the process.
  • Once completed, Restart the system and check whether the QBPOS issue is resolved.

QBPOS Reinstallation

To rectify the error, try reinstalling the QuickBooks Point of Sale if the repair option doesn’t work. You can apply the Clean Installation process to proceed further without any hassle.

Verifying the Data File

Data files are an important part of the QuickBooks desktop application. Users can face serious issues if there is any problem with the Data File. To validate, follow the below steps:

  • Find and try opening the Data File.
  • Make sure that the data file is not damaged or corrupted.
  • If the file is damaged or corrupted, try restoring the backup to recover the data file.
  • Once completed, check for the issue status.


Flashing an error on the screen again and again can be frustrating for anyone. When QuickBooks error code 81705 occurs, it may cause various difficulties for the users to work on the software. It is a temporary issue which states that there is a problem with the QuickBooks POS. It’s necessary to fix it as soon as possible. 

Otherwise, it will continuously interrupt the workflow. Cornering the issue is not a heavy task and can be rectified easily. If you have already tried all the troubleshooting methods and the error still appears on the system screen, you can contact the QB’s Technical Expert through the official website.

Frequently Asked Questions on QuickBooks Error Code 81705

What is QuickBooks Online Error Code 81705?

QuickBooks error 81705 POS is an error code indicating that the application cannot install or access the necessary files, causing disruptions.

What are the symptoms of QuickBooks Error 81705 POS?

After encountering an error in your system, it may show you various symptoms of QuickBooks error code 81705 POS. The system starts freezing or crashing, performance becomes slow, incomplete installation of the applications, and data starts corrupting.

What are the main causes of QuickBooks Error code 81705?

There are various reasons for getting the error, such as damaged or corrupted files, incomplete installations, an old application version, system change, or malware threat attacks.

How to fix the QuickBooks online error code 81705?

Users can resolve the QuickBooks online error code 81705 by reinstalling the QuickBooks POS, repairing the damaged or corrupted files, scanning for malware, updating the software, and validating the hardware issues.

Is it necessary to use the updated QuickBooks POS?

If you use the outdated version of the QuickBooks desktop application, you may face various problems due to compatibility issues and bugs in the old software version that can only be fixed after the update.

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