What is Quicken American Express Error?

What is Quicken American Express Error

You might have gotten an email or in-product message about some changes made in the Quicken American Express accounts. This message denotes the Quicken American Express error where the users would need to switch to new methods for updating the data from American Express bank to their Quicken account. Further, we make a detailed analysis of the American Express error on Quicken and discuss the various methods and the steps involved in it to resolve it. 

What Happens In The Quicken American Express Error?

American Express discontinues Direct Connect and also updates to a new method of offering data to various applications such as Quicken, known as EWC+ (Quicken Connect in Mac). After going forward, you would have to use a bank-hosted sign-in form for authorizing downloads. 

The overall process to add accounts and also download to fix the American express error recovery Quicken would be the same, but the screen to use for signing to American Express also appears different. 

To ensure security, American Express can periodically request that the account reauthorization of Quicken accounts happen after signing in again. The process takes place over up to a 90-day period. 

What To Know Before Troubleshooting Quicken American Express Error?

It is suggested to switch the accounts right after getting the prompt. Such prompts are deployed over time. When you haven’t gotten anyone yet, you’ll notice another one in near future. 

When you get the prompt, but also prefer doing the switch later, it is best to click Skip Now on prompting to update the connection. The Quicken American Express error only impacts the American Express Credit Card accounts on Direct Connect. 

Quicken For Windows: How To Switch American Express Accounts To New Connection Method?

Before Beginning: Don’t deactivate and reactivate the American Express accounts while you complete the below-mentioned steps.

On updating the Quicken accounts, you’re also prompted to change to a new connection method for EWC+.

All you’ve got to do is sign with the American Express credentials white on being prompted to establish the connection. Post signing in, follow on-screen prompts and choose accounts that you wish to connect in Quicken. When you get a blank screen, a pop-up blocker can prevent the appearance of American Express prompts. You would temporarily have to disable pop-up blockers or also update the settings for allowing pop-ups from American Express. 

Note: Ensure you’ve checked all accounts, even when they’ve been added already to Quicken or when they’re in another file. 

Steps To Ensure American Express error recovery in Quicken

When you’re in the migration process and you’ve:

  • Missed any American Express account.
  • Noticing there aren’t any accounts for American Express to choose from. 
  • Are continuously being prompted to migrate in One Step Update.

In all these bulleted cases, you’ll have to follow the steps provided below for migrating the affected accounts to different American Express instances.

  • At the Account Bar top, click the button + (plus sign).
  • In the search field type American Express. 
  • When you’ve got an American express banking account, choose American Express – Banking from the search outcomes. When you’re a delegate on an account, choose American Express – Delegate. 
  • You’ll notice all the American Express accounts for adding to Quicken. You’ll have to choose Don’t add Quicken for any migrated accounts. 
  • Choose LINK Banking/Delegate accounts (ones that did not appear in the initial migration) to corresponding American Express Banking/Delegate instances.

When you’ve encountered other problems besides the American Express Quicken error 2023 while you switch over the American Express accounts, you must search the Quicken Community to get alerts on problems of different nature or any outages in American Express. For any further assistance, the suggested approach would be to contact Quicken experts. 

What Is the Connection Method That You Use With Amex?

Users can see it after navigating to Settings>Downloads>Connection Type in the Quicken version you run. It is possible to see it after scrolling to the option Quicken > About Quicken.

To start, it is suggested to deactivate the account (s) that experience the American Express Quicken download error, remove saved login credentials from the Keychain Access app, and reactivate accounts. However, prior to this, users must save a data file backup first. Later, they must check and ensure there aren’t hidden accounts that might be linked to the particular financial institution.

  • Visit the Accounts menu and select the option Hide and Show Accounts.
  • Uncheck accounts of the specific financial institution that have checked hidden in Lists. 

After finishing the process, follow the below-mentioned steps for troubleshooting American Express Quicken error 2023: 

  • Open the account registers and scroll to Settings gear located in the bottom-right corner. 
  • Now click on the tab download.
  • Later click disconnect account (when multiple accounts related to the financial institution are there, repeat steps 1 through 3 for all accounts). 
  • Now quit Quicken.
  • Then open Finder.
  • Scroll to the option Applications>Utilities>Keychain Access app.
  • On the left panel in Keychain Access app, choose Login, and at the top choose Passwords. 
  • Search for the finance institution’s name on the top-right search field and make sure to delete any found entries showing the “Quicken password for (username of the financial institution) at (name of the financial institution). 
  • Reopen Quicken after Quitting Keychain Access app. 
  • Navigate to Accounts>New and select the right type of account for that previously deactivated account.
  • At the bottom window that presents the financial institutions list, click on the option “My bank is not listed” question mark icon, then click on the Update List. 
  • Wait for the list for finishing updating and “Updated:” current date to display.
  • For continuing Click the button Show List. 
  • Now at the search field, located at the list to find and select the financial institution and click on the option Continue.
  • Follow prompts for signing in through login credentials related to financial institutions. 
  • For successfully finding accounts, use dropdown menus for linking all accounts to appropriate Quicken accounts.


On facing any problems while you’re switching over the American Express accounts for fixing Quicken American Express error, check Quicken Community for any alerts on any problems related to the American Outages. For any assistance on such problems make sure to contact Quicken support as experts are available round the clock for ensuring the best possible fix. 

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